Case Studies
Increase Access to Information, Enhance Customer Service, & Complete Lifecycle Management
DTCC provides clearance, settlement, and information services for equities, corporate and municipal bonds, government and mortgage-backed securities, money market instruments, and over-the-counter derivatives. In addition, DTCC is a leading processor of mutual funds and insurance transactions, linking funds and carriers with their distribution networks. DTCC’s depository provides custody and asset servicing for more than 3.6 million securities issues from the United States and 121 other countries and territories. DTCC has operating facilities and data centers in multiple locations in the United States and overseas.
Systemware’s challenge was to increase access to information to boost productivity and the customer experience. We tailored our customer content management platform to meet DTCC’s unique needs and securely store information. Read the case study to learn the results and see why Systemware provides the best way to store sensitive data.
Learn More About How Your Content Can Work For You
Better Content Management for Banks Equals Happier Customers: Here’s How
Customer service counts for a lot in banking. This has always been the case, but it’s more true now than ever, with banks of all sizes struggling to meet the heig…
6 Ways Systemware’s Record Management System Can Streamline Financial Services Operations
In a perfect world, any record management system your financial services operation puts into place would excel at streamlining processes and reducing inaccuracies i…
Guide to Evaluating CA View/Deliver and Broadcom Alternatives
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